The Foundation awards grants annually to non-profit, charitable organizations and institutions that are exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to certain governmental units. The Foundation will award grants for specific projects, building and capital improvement campaigns and general purposes. All funds must be used in Hill County or Tarrant County, Texas.
The Foundation will not award grants to individuals nor accept Scholarship requests.
Grants will only be awarded to organizations and the people of Hill County and/or Tarrant County, Texas.
The Foundation awards grants annually to non-profit, charitable organizations and institutions that are exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to certain governmental units. The Foundation will award grants for specific projects, building and capital improvement campaigns and general purposes. All funds must be used in Hill County or Tarrant County, Texas.
The Foundation will not award grants to individuals nor accept Scholarship requests.
Grants will only be awarded to organizations and the people of Hill County and/or Tarrant County, Texas.
The maximum grant awarded will not exceed $10,000. Based on the number of grants requested, the amount of available funds, and the overall needs of a particular request, The Foundation reserves the right to fund grants at levels that might differ from the requested amount.
All grant recipients are expected to provide a written report evaluating the project and providing an accounting of grant expenses upon project completion or by a date specified by the Foundation. Any funds not spent for the approved purposes by the date specified are subject to a review process with the Foundation.
Deadline for submission is October 1st annually. Distributions to selected organizations will be completed by December 31st annually.
Download Application Form, complete and include all appropriate documents.
The Dorothy Gaines Foundation P.O. Box 338 Hillsboro, Texas 76645